Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Political Cartoon

“Don’t ask, don’t tell” this phrase has been used for a while. Many people have hidden their identity because of fear. They fear what people might say such as their friends, family, and society. Gays, Lesbian, and Bi also fear the violence and the unwelcoming from society. They’re not treated fair and looked over as if they’re not human beings. They have done a lot for this country and only ask for one thing in return, freedom. The freedom to marry whom they want and the respect they deserve. If you were to look at what’s going on in their community, there have been many violence towards them as well as GBL committing suicide. I think its ridiculous this topic has reached to the point that others would like to take away their life. It got to stop! Society uses the reason that it’s a sin in Christianity. In my opinion, there are many sinful things Americans are committing such as drinking, adultery, etc. Numerous people say if their committing a sin, they’ll go to hell, I’ll say, let that be between God and the person. Wheatear you support GBL or not, they’re human beings just like us. As the saying goes “treat others the way you would like to be treated.”

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