Thursday, September 2, 2010

Gender Role within America Marriage

As the world spins around, time moving forward, changes starts to happen. The article “Gender roles within America Marriage: Are they really changing?” by Lucy A. Hawke, discuss the changes in the marriage role and how these changes came to be. The traditional gender role that was played out is the husbands were the breadwinner; the wife lived the role of caregiver. Now in the present world, these roles have changed, although there are some people who refuse to accept this. By the 19th century, women gain more rights and since then there are many comparisons between the women and men of where they stand. They’d compare their employment, income, family structure, age, and education. In my opinion, I don’t mind the changes. We as Americans believe in equal rights, so why shouldn’t they have the same benefits as men? Most importantly, I believe in a marriage that’s 50-50, which means it should be balanced. Both the men and women should take care of the children, clean, cook, work, and attend school (if they’d like to.) They should try to contribute as much as they can instead of letting one partner do all the house work or providing all the finance that the family need in order to survival. It shouldn’t be about which husband or wife has the best job, the best education, the higher income, etc. As long as they have a good marriage and are happy with their life they’re living, that’s all that matters.

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