Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Should bartenders be held responsible for the behavior of their patrons?

No one should be drinking if they’re not 21 years or older. No matter the excessive amount of alcohol you may take in your body, it’s not the baristas fault. The drinker should be able to know its limit. One of the reasons why the law has an age requirement to things like these is because they expect them to be mature enough to make wiser decisions. No one should be accountable for others decisions, their behavior, and its consequences. Numerous people drink beyond its limitation and get into trouble. They become drunk and wake up the next morning with many regrets. It’s the patron’s body, and alcohol can have a negative effect on them physically and mentally.

Should mandatory (or voluntary) prayer be permitted in public schools?

Mandatory prayers should not be permitted in public schools. Public schools are known to be diverse with the student’s ethnicity and religion. Forcing every student to follow a certain belief they don’t follow should be acceptable. Having voluntary prayers can also make the students feel left out, so I personally think it shouldn’t be allowed at public schools. Although, they are many Muslims who pray five times a day, they usually go to a different area and pray on their own. Advocating ones religion more than the other at school is not fair to everyone. Students are at school to learn about the world and gain the skills and knowledge they need to survive in the real world. In my opinion, the school can teach the students about religions but not practice a certain one. Students can practice it on their own with family members, friends, and community.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Do "beauty" contests (Mr. America, Miss America, etc.) serve any purpose in society?

Beauty contests can be beneficial and harmful towards society. It can be beneficial to the women and men so they can achieve their dreams to come true. All of them have a dream of helping out either their community, children, and giving back somehow. Beauty contest can give them that opportunity to be notice as someone. It can harm society by providing America with an ideal body image for all men and women to have. The media can influence its audience, especially women, to be dissatisfied with their body image, since in the beauty contest, the contests have to wear swimming suites. With the dissatisfaction will start to have a low self esteem, with leads to dieting and soon an eating disorder. One good thing can lead to other bad things. Beauty contest should be careful on the message their advocating to Americans.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Should sex and violence on television or in the movies be restricted?

I think that children shouldn’t be exposed to certain things at such a young age, especially sex and violence on television; therefore it should be restricted for them. As we all know, kids tend to replicate numerous things they see from family members, friends, and whatever is on television. By them being presented to violence and sex, they will grow up with an idea in mind that it’s okay to be violent towards others and may think sex is not a big deal. Most importantly children are very young and are not grown enough to know the difference between right and wrong; for that reason they will not have the knowledge about sex and violence as well as the consequences it has.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Political Cartoon

“Don’t ask, don’t tell” this phrase has been used for a while. Many people have hidden their identity because of fear. They fear what people might say such as their friends, family, and society. Gays, Lesbian, and Bi also fear the violence and the unwelcoming from society. They’re not treated fair and looked over as if they’re not human beings. They have done a lot for this country and only ask for one thing in return, freedom. The freedom to marry whom they want and the respect they deserve. If you were to look at what’s going on in their community, there have been many violence towards them as well as GBL committing suicide. I think its ridiculous this topic has reached to the point that others would like to take away their life. It got to stop! Society uses the reason that it’s a sin in Christianity. In my opinion, there are many sinful things Americans are committing such as drinking, adultery, etc. Numerous people say if their committing a sin, they’ll go to hell, I’ll say, let that be between God and the person. Wheatear you support GBL or not, they’re human beings just like us. As the saying goes “treat others the way you would like to be treated.”

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I like this song and I like this video also. I'm interested in
American Sign Language (ASL) and watching videos in ASL help me understand ASL better.

Monday, October 18, 2010

literacy techniques

There are many techniques that could be used to strengthen literacy at all grade levels. i think students need more one-on-one time with the instructor to discuss how the student could improve their reading skills. Another way literacy can strengthen at all grades level is by providing interesting articles and books. In this case, students can feel related to the reading and most importantly engaged. When students are engaged in the reading, they expand their knowledge and gain more motivation to continue reading. With motivation and encouragement from family, friends, and faculties, students can challenge themselves to the next level.